SifChain (erowan) is a token of a decentralized exchange where Cosmos is combined with Ethereum.
News about SifChain
04 Oct 2022, 13:49
📣 Маржинальная торговля 📣
Если вы пропустили новость: платформа маржинальной торговли РАБОТАЕТ для кошельков из белого списка🔥 Трейдеры сообщают о приросте в размере +28%++ 🚀🚀
Посетите канал BRAGS в Discord чтобы узнать об их успехах.
Начните торговать СЕЙЧАС:
Обновления маржинальных продуктов
Продукт будет открыт для публики и удалит требование белого списка, как только ошибки будут устранены. Это означает, что чем БОЛЬШЕ трейдеров из белого списка используют платформу, тем БЫСТРЕЕ она будет открыта для публики!
Кроме того, инженеры усердно работают над исправлением ошибок. На данный момент исправлены ошибки:
- Добавление ликвидности ИСПРАВЛЕНО. Вы снова можете добавить ликвидности в любой пул! Пользовательский интерфейс неправильно рассчитывал коэффициент пула и не допускал нормального добавления ликвидности. Не стесняйтесь добавлять ликвидность прямо сейчас во все пулы!
- Close modal теперь показывает всю точную информацию.
-Remove liquidity modal and add liquidity modal, теперь отображает точную информацию в пользовательском интерфейсе для значений открытия маржинальной позиции.
- Незначительные исправления ошибок в значении, отображаемом в пользовательском интерфейсе для значений открытия маржинальной позиции.
Маржинальная торговля.📣 Маржинальная торговля 📣
Если вы пропустили новость: платформа маржинальной торговли РАБОТАЕТ для кошельков из белого списка🔥 Трейдеры сообщают о приросте в размере +28%++ 🚀🚀
Посетите канал BRAGS в Discord чтобы узнать об их успехах.
Начните торговать СЕЙЧАС: https://sifchain-margin.redstarling.com/
Обновления маржинальных продуктов
Продукт будет открыт для публики и удалит требование белого списка, как только ошибки будут устранены. Это означает, что чем БОЛЬШЕ трейдеров из белого списка используют платформу, тем БЫСТРЕЕ она будет открыта для публики!
Кроме того, инженеры усердно работают над исправлением ошибок. На данный момент исправлены ошибки:
- Добавление ликвидности ИСПРАВЛЕНО. Вы снова можете добавить ликвидности в любой пул! Пользовательский интерфейс неправильно рассчитывал коэффициент пула и не допускал нормального добавления ликвидности. Не стесняйтесь добавлять ликвидность прямо сейчас во все пулы!
- Close modal теперь показывает всю точную информацию.
-Remove liquidity modal and add liquidity modal, теперь отображает точную информацию в пользовательском интерфейсе для значений открытия маржинальной позиции.
- Незначительные исправления ошибок в значении, отображаемом в пользовательском интерфейсе для значений открытия маржинальной позиции.
04 Oct 2022, 04:47
📢Margin Trading 📢
In case you missed the news: The Margin Trading platform is LIVE for whitelisted wallets Traders are reporting gains like +28%++
Check out the BRAGS channel on Discord 📈│brags to see their wins. Will YOU be one?
Start trading NOW:
Margin Product Updates
The product will open to the public & remove the whitelist requirement once bugs are finessed. This means that the MORE whitelist traders use the platform, the FASTER it will open to the public!
Plus, Engineering is hard at work on bug fixes. Bugs fixed so far:
- Liquidity adds are FIXED. You can once again add liquidity to any pool! The UI was mis-calculating the pool ratio and was not allowing normal liquidity adds. Feel free to add liquidity now to all pools!
- Close modal now shows all accurate info.
- Remove liquidity modal and add liquidity modal should show accurate info.
- Minor bug fixes on the value displayed on the UI for the opening values of a margin position.
Margin Trading.📢Margin Trading 📢
In case you missed the news: The Margin Trading platform is LIVE for whitelisted wallets Traders are reporting gains like +28%++
Check out the BRAGS channel on Discord 📈│brags to see their wins. Will YOU be one?
Start trading NOW: https://sifchain-margin.redstarling.com/
Margin Product Updates
The product will open to the public & remove the whitelist requirement once bugs are finessed. This means that the MORE whitelist traders use the platform, the FASTER it will open to the public!
Plus, Engineering is hard at work on bug fixes. Bugs fixed so far:
- Liquidity adds are FIXED. You can once again add liquidity to any pool! The UI was mis-calculating the pool ratio and was not allowing normal liquidity adds. Feel free to add liquidity now to all pools!
- Close modal now shows all accurate info.
- Remove liquidity modal and add liquidity modal should show accurate info.
- Minor bug fixes on the value displayed on the UI for the opening values of a margin position.
02 Oct 2022, 10:53
📢 Margin Trading is now LIVE for Whitelist participants! 📢
Start trading now:
Important details below:
1. Margin-enabled pools on launch are: ATOM, ETH, USDC, JUNO.
More pools will be added over time. See more information:
2. There are ~150 wallets that have been whitelisted and have the ability to open/close margin positions. We are relying on these traders to provide feedback in the whitelist-participants channel.
Your feedback is important! It will help determine when the product is opened for the public.
If you are a whitelist participant and need access to this discord channel, DM sifmoon or nomadsif to get added to the channel.
3. At launch, Ledger is NOT supported for opening/closing margin positions.
4. At launch, users can only long ROWAN against TKN. Being able to long TKN against ROWAN should be enabled soon.
Helpful links:
- Product Documentation: https://docs.sifchain.finance/using-the-dex/margin-ui-step-by-step/margin-trading-overview
- UI Demos and YouTube videos: https://docs.sifchain.finance/using-the-dex/margin-ui-step-by-step
Discord Help:
- #start-here a good place to start when getting into Margin Trading at Sifchain
- #brags want to show off a great trade? Post here!
- #whitelist-participants Whitelist crew hang out channel. Help the team shape the product with your inputs.
- #margin-general Open chat about all things margin trading!
Coming Soon:
- nomadsif will be hosting weekly knowledge share sessions on trading education. Watch this space for the date of the first session.
Margin Trading is now LIVE for Whitelist participants. Start trading now:. Important details below:.📢 Margin Trading is now LIVE for Whitelist participants! 📢
Start trading now: https://sifchain-margin.redstarling.com/
Important details below:
1. Margin-enabled pools on launch are: ATOM, ETH, USDC, JUNO.
More pools will be added over time. See more information: https://www.notion.so/63fe6f60e8094a458047595e4ce18eb9
2. There are ~150 wallets that have been whitelisted and have the ability to open/close margin positions. We are relying on these traders to provide feedback in the whitelist-participants channel.
Your feedback is important! It will help determine when the product is opened for the public.
If you are a whitelist participant and need access to this discord channel, DM sifmoon or nomadsif to get added to the channel.
3. At launch, Ledger is NOT supported for opening/closing margin positions.
4. At launch, users can only long ROWAN against TKN. Being able to long TKN against ROWAN should be enabled soon.
Helpful links:
- Product Documentation: https://docs.sifchain.finance/using-the-dex/margin-ui-step-by-step/margin-trading-overview
- UI Demos and YouTube videos: https://docs.sifchain.finance/using-the-dex/margin-ui-step-by-step
Discord Help:
- #start-here a good place to start when getting into Margin Trading at Sifchain
- #brags want to show off a great trade? Post here!
- #whitelist-participants Whitelist crew hang out channel. Help the team shape the product with your inputs.
- #margin-general Open chat about all things margin trading!
Coming Soon:
- nomadsif will be hosting weekly knowledge share sessions on trading education. Watch this space for the date of the first session.
01 Oct 2022, 22:28
Hi all,
The chain is back up and running and producing blocks. Peggy bridge has also been re-enabled as well. Other functionality (like partner's integrations) will be ramping back up as well as the day continues.
Thanks to all of our Validators for such quick response times here.
For all validators that have NOT upgraded to the hotfix yet, please do so ASAP. The current slashing window is 7.5 hours. See here the #announcement channel for more details on the upgrade.
Hi all,. The chain is back up and running and producing blocks. Peggy bridge has also been re-enabled as well.Hi all,
The chain is back up and running and producing blocks. Peggy bridge has also been re-enabled as well. Other functionality (like partner's integrations) will be ramping back up as well as the day continues.
Thanks to all of our Validators for such quick response times here.
For all validators that have NOT upgraded to the hotfix yet, please do so ASAP. The current slashing window is 7.5 hours. See here the #announcement channel for more details on the upgrade.
01 Oct 2022, 17:26
Hi all,
The team is working on debugging the exact root cause of the chain halt. We are working very closely with Notional and Consensus One to get the chain back up and running as soon as possible.
Hi all,. The team is working on debugging the exact root cause of the chain halt.Hi all,
The team is working on debugging the exact root cause of the chain halt. We are working very closely with Notional and Consensus One to get the chain back up and running as soon as possible.
01 Oct 2022, 10:46
Hello everyone - Following testing, the chain halted as of 25 minutes ago. Engineering and Notional are aware of the issue and are looking at the validators logs. Will keep you posted.
Hello everyone - Following testing, the chain halted as of 25 minutes ago.Hello everyone - Following testing, the chain halted as of 25 minutes ago. Engineering and Notional are aware of the issue and are looking at the validators logs. Will keep you posted.
01 Oct 2022, 03:32
Update on Margin trading:
- Final checks are looking good. We need a few more people to take a look, sign-off, and then we will open it to all whitelist participants (hopefully this weekend ). I will keep you all updated!
Update on Margin trading:. - Final checks are looking good.Update on Margin trading:
- Final checks are looking good. We need a few more people to take a look, sign-off, and then we will open it to all whitelist participants (hopefully this weekend ). I will keep you all updated!
30 Sep 2022, 21:45
Chain & DEX Upgrades:
- All actions related to the ATOM:ROWAN pool, including imports/exports, swaps, and liquidity adds/removes have been re-enabled.
- Liquidity Provider Distribution has been set to 7.5%
- DEX Liquidity Protection has been set to 2%, and therefore ROWAN sales have been re-enabled on the DEX up to this DEX liquidity protection threshold.
Known issue: the display of TVL in the DEX and the Pool TVL of the ATOM pool is displaying incorrectly at the moment (this is just a display issue and should be fixed here shortly). 'Your Pool Value' in the ATOM:ROWAN pool is correct.
Liquidity Mining Reward Updates:
- Liquidity Mining Rewards have been re-enabled on the DEX. This week’s rewards, which will last from Today - Tuesday October 4th, will contain rewards that were missed when the chain was up, but LM rewards were turned off. This means that this week’s rewards will act as a ‘catch-up’ week, and next week’s rewards will operate as normal.
- See here for a more detailed explanation:
ATOM:ROWAN Pooler Updates:
- We will be expanding on this post-mortem write-up with additional, more specific technical details, but reference here for a summary of the sequence of events of the exploit and fund remediations for the ATOM:ROWAN liquidity providers
- Fund Remediations have been COMPLETED.
Chain & DEX Upgrades:.Chain & DEX Upgrades:
- All actions related to the ATOM:ROWAN pool, including imports/exports, swaps, and liquidity adds/removes have been re-enabled.
- Liquidity Provider Distribution has been set to 7.5%
- DEX Liquidity Protection has been set to 2%, and therefore ROWAN sales have been re-enabled on the DEX up to this DEX liquidity protection threshold.
Known issue: the display of TVL in the DEX and the Pool TVL of the ATOM pool is displaying incorrectly at the moment (this is just a display issue and should be fixed here shortly). 'Your Pool Value' in the ATOM:ROWAN pool is correct.
Liquidity Mining Reward Updates:
- Liquidity Mining Rewards have been re-enabled on the DEX. This week’s rewards, which will last from Today - Tuesday October 4th, will contain rewards that were missed when the chain was up, but LM rewards were turned off. This means that this week’s rewards will act as a ‘catch-up’ week, and next week’s rewards will operate as normal.
- See here for a more detailed explanation: https://www.notion.so/sifchain/Liquidity-Providers-LM-Rewards-Report-2adc77c77b21470190156001ff103a1b#63d77cc9530746f9a6b5714bc4a84314
ATOM:ROWAN Pooler Updates:
- We will be expanding on this post-mortem write-up with additional, more specific technical details, but reference here for a summary of the sequence of events of the exploit and fund remediations for the ATOM:ROWAN liquidity providers https://sifchain.notion.site/Liquidity-Providers-LM-Rewards-Report-2adc77c77b21470190156001ff103a1b
- Fund Remediations have been COMPLETED.
30 Sep 2022, 03:20
Sif’s Day September 29
Chain & DEX Updates
The Engineering team is fully prepared to implement the software upgrade to re-enable the DEX, as soon as Proposal 117 goes live on Friday, September 30 US time. Please keep in mind there will be a time delay between when the proposal is live vs. when the DEX is enabled. This time gap is needed for Engineering to implement all actions associated with the upgrade.
A reminder about what this software upgrade includes:
- Fixes to re-enable all actions related to the ATOM:ROWAN pool, including swaps and liquidity adds/removes.
- Setting Liquidity Provider Distribution to 7.5%
- Setting DEX Liquidity Protection to 2%, re-enabling ROWAN sales on the DEX
Finally, this upgrade includes the updates to the software that are needed to open the access to Margin Trading v1.0 - The Long Game for whitelisted addresses. Engineering will first restore the core DEX functionality before enabling Margin Trading.
Beware that Proposal 118 is a SCAM proposal
Sif's Day September 29. Chain & DEX Updates.Sif’s Day September 29
Chain & DEX Updates
The Engineering team is fully prepared to implement the software upgrade to re-enable the DEX, as soon as Proposal 117 goes live on Friday, September 30 US time. Please keep in mind there will be a time delay between when the proposal is live vs. when the DEX is enabled. This time gap is needed for Engineering to implement all actions associated with the upgrade.
A reminder about what this software upgrade includes:
- Fixes to re-enable all actions related to the ATOM:ROWAN pool, including swaps and liquidity adds/removes.
- Setting Liquidity Provider Distribution to 7.5%
- Setting DEX Liquidity Protection to 2%, re-enabling ROWAN sales on the DEX
Proposal: https://www.mintscan.io/sifchain/proposals/117
Finally, this upgrade includes the updates to the software that are needed to open the access to Margin Trading v1.0 - The Long Game for whitelisted addresses. Engineering will first restore the core DEX functionality before enabling Margin Trading.
Beware that Proposal 118 is a SCAM proposal
29 Sep 2022, 02:56
Sif’s Day September 28
Chain & DEX Updates
Proposal 117, the software upgrade proposal that will allow the re-enabling of all functionality on the DEX is in its on-chain voting period:
The software upgrade is planned to go live on Friday, September 30th, US time. After this software upgrade is live, the Engineering team will perform the final steps to fully re-enable the core DEX functionality.
A reminder about what this software upgrade includes:
- Fixes to re-enable all actions related to the ATOM:ROWAN pool, including swaps and liquidity adds/removes.
- Setting Liquidity Provider Distribution to 7.5%
- Setting DEX Liquidity Protection to 2%, re-enabling ROWAN sales on the DEX
Finally, this upgrade includes the updates to the software that are needed to open the access to Margin Trading v1.0 - The Long Game for whitelisted addresses. Engineering will first restore the core DEX functionality before enabling Margin Trading.
Beware that Proposal 118 is a SCAM proposal ⚠️
DAO Updates
Join fellow DAO members at 7AM US Pacific Time tomorrow for the SifDAO roundtable. The roundtable is an excellent opportunity to start contributing, get or give feedback, and form teams to work on projects.
Airdrop Announcement for Sifchain Stakers
Harbor Protocol announced an airdrop for Sifchain stakers:
Sif's Day September 28. Chain & DEX Updates.Sif’s Day September 28
Chain & DEX Updates
Proposal 117, the software upgrade proposal that will allow the re-enabling of all functionality on the DEX is in its on-chain voting period: https://www.mintscan.io/sifchain/proposals/117.
The software upgrade is planned to go live on Friday, September 30th, US time. After this software upgrade is live, the Engineering team will perform the final steps to fully re-enable the core DEX functionality.
A reminder about what this software upgrade includes:
- Fixes to re-enable all actions related to the ATOM:ROWAN pool, including swaps and liquidity adds/removes.
- Setting Liquidity Provider Distribution to 7.5%
- Setting DEX Liquidity Protection to 2%, re-enabling ROWAN sales on the DEX
Finally, this upgrade includes the updates to the software that are needed to open the access to Margin Trading v1.0 - The Long Game for whitelisted addresses. Engineering will first restore the core DEX functionality before enabling Margin Trading.
Beware that Proposal 118 is a SCAM proposal ⚠️
DAO Updates
Join fellow DAO members at 7AM US Pacific Time tomorrow for the SifDAO roundtable. The roundtable is an excellent opportunity to start contributing, get or give feedback, and form teams to work on projects.
Airdrop Announcement for Sifchain Stakers
Harbor Protocol announced an airdrop for Sifchain stakers: https://twitter.com/harbor_protocol/status/1575185168175726592?s=21&t=hofs4EYHodw4m-X0wC4dGg
28 Sep 2022, 02:20
Chain & DEX Updates
The software upgrade proposal that will allow the re-enabling of all functionality on the DEX is now on-chain:
The software upgrade is planned to go live on Friday, September 30th, US time. After this software upgrade is live, the Engineering team will perform the final steps to fully re-enable the core DEX functionality.
The upgrade includes:
- Fixes to re-enable all actions related to the ATOM:ROWAN pool, including swaps and liquidity adds/removes.
- Setting Liquidity Provider Distribution to 7.5%
- Setting DEX Liquidity Protection to 2%, re-enabling ROWAN sales on the DEX
Finally, this upgrade includes the updates to the software that are needed to open the access to Margin Trading v1.0 - The Long Game for whitelisted addresses. Engineering will first restore the core DEX functionality before enabling Margin Trading.
Watch Jazear’s speech at Cosmoverse here:
DAO Updates
The discussion period to compensate the token listing council members has just been raised:
Chain & DEX Updates.Chain & DEX Updates
The software upgrade proposal that will allow the re-enabling of all functionality on the DEX is now on-chain: https://www.mintscan.io/sifchain/proposals/117.
The software upgrade is planned to go live on Friday, September 30th, US time. After this software upgrade is live, the Engineering team will perform the final steps to fully re-enable the core DEX functionality.
The upgrade includes:
- Fixes to re-enable all actions related to the ATOM:ROWAN pool, including swaps and liquidity adds/removes.
- Setting Liquidity Provider Distribution to 7.5%
- Setting DEX Liquidity Protection to 2%, re-enabling ROWAN sales on the DEX
Finally, this upgrade includes the updates to the software that are needed to open the access to Margin Trading v1.0 - The Long Game for whitelisted addresses. Engineering will first restore the core DEX functionality before enabling Margin Trading.
Watch Jazear’s speech at Cosmoverse here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHe7ptnlmek
DAO Updates
The discussion period to compensate the token listing council members has just been raised: https://discord.com/channels/769209144515100693/921103273283428382/1024371550826270811
27 Sep 2022, 04:43
Chain & DEX Updates
The software upgrade for returning the dex to full functionality is in final testing! Things are looking good at this point. Once the proposal is raised to implement the software upgrade on-chain, the community and the validators will be notified. Once live, this upgrade will also enable Margin Trading v1.0: The Long Game.
Jazear is speaking at Cosmoverse tomorrow, Tuesday, September 27, at 930 AM US PST, on Sifchain, Margin trading, Monetary Policies and Peggy 2.0. The event will be streamed live on the Sifchain Discord at discord.gg/Sifchain.
Current DEX Status
A reminder on which functionality is enabled on the DEX at this stage of the exploit remediation process:
- Actions with ATOM are off
- Import/export IBC tokens is ON, except ATOM
- Token swaps are ON, except ATOM swaps and swaps selling ROWAN
- Liquidity Mining Rewards and Liquidity Provider Distribution are OFF
- DEX Liquidity protection has been set to 0, meaning that no ROWAN can be sold on Sifchain. This means that swaps ‘from’ ROWAN are currently set to OFF.
- Add liquidity is ON, except ATOM
- Remove liquidity is ON, except ATOM
- Bridging ERC20 tokens to & from Ethereum is ON
Chain & DEX Updates. The software upgrade for returning the dex to full functionality is in final testing.Chain & DEX Updates
The software upgrade for returning the dex to full functionality is in final testing! Things are looking good at this point. Once the proposal is raised to implement the software upgrade on-chain, the community and the validators will be notified. Once live, this upgrade will also enable Margin Trading v1.0: The Long Game.
Jazear is speaking at Cosmoverse tomorrow, Tuesday, September 27, at 930 AM US PST, on Sifchain, Margin trading, Monetary Policies and Peggy 2.0. The event will be streamed live on the Sifchain Discord at discord.gg/Sifchain.
Current DEX Status
A reminder on which functionality is enabled on the DEX at this stage of the exploit remediation process:
- Actions with ATOM are off
- Import/export IBC tokens is ON, except ATOM
- Token swaps are ON, except ATOM swaps and swaps selling ROWAN
- Liquidity Mining Rewards and Liquidity Provider Distribution are OFF
- DEX Liquidity protection has been set to 0, meaning that no ROWAN can be sold on Sifchain. This means that swaps ‘from’ ROWAN are currently set to OFF.
- Add liquidity is ON, except ATOM
- Remove liquidity is ON, except ATOM
- Bridging ERC20 tokens to & from Ethereum is ON
25 Sep 2022, 03:30
Chain & DEX Updates
The software upgrade for returning the dex to full functionality is in testing. Once live, this upgrade will also enable Margin Trading v1.0: The Long Game.
Other Updates
A few business development team members are at Cosmoverse. Stop by the booth to say hello.
Current DEX Status
A reminder on which functionality is enabled on the DEX at this stage of the exploit remediation process:
- Actions with ATOM are off
- Import/export IBC tokens is ON, except ATOM
- Token swaps are ON, except ATOM swaps and swaps selling ROWAN
- Liquidity Mining Rewards and Liquidity Provider Distribution are OFF
- DEX Liquidity protection has been set to 0, meaning that no ROWAN can be sold on Sifchain. This means that swaps ‘from’ ROWAN are currently set to OFF.
- Add liquidity is ON, except ATOM
- Remove liquidity is ON, except ATOM
- Bridging ERC20 tokens to & from Ethereum is ON
Chain & DEX Updates. The software upgrade for returning the dex to full functionality is in testing.Chain & DEX Updates
The software upgrade for returning the dex to full functionality is in testing. Once live, this upgrade will also enable Margin Trading v1.0: The Long Game.
Other Updates
A few business development team members are at Cosmoverse. Stop by the booth to say hello.
Current DEX Status
A reminder on which functionality is enabled on the DEX at this stage of the exploit remediation process:
- Actions with ATOM are off
- Import/export IBC tokens is ON, except ATOM
- Token swaps are ON, except ATOM swaps and swaps selling ROWAN
- Liquidity Mining Rewards and Liquidity Provider Distribution are OFF
- DEX Liquidity protection has been set to 0, meaning that no ROWAN can be sold on Sifchain. This means that swaps ‘from’ ROWAN are currently set to OFF.
- Add liquidity is ON, except ATOM
- Remove liquidity is ON, except ATOM
- Bridging ERC20 tokens to & from Ethereum is ON
21 Sep 2022, 19:39
The FE is back!
The front-end of the DEX is currently being re-enabled, which means you will be able to use it again! Here's what you can expect:
- You will be able to perform the following actions (please note that all actions with ATOM are excluded at the moment)
-- Import / Export IBC tokens (not ERC20 tokens)
-- Swap (all tokens except ATOM)
-- Add liquidity (all tokens except ATOM)
-- Remove liquidity (all tokens except ATOM)
- ERC20 imports and exports are expected to be re-enabled soon
The FE is back. The front-end of the DEX is currently being re-enabled, which means you will be able to use it again.The FE is back!
The front-end of the DEX is currently being re-enabled, which means you will be able to use it again! Here's what you can expect:
- You will be able to perform the following actions (please note that all actions with ATOM are excluded at the moment)
-- Import / Export IBC tokens (not ERC20 tokens)
-- Swap (all tokens except ATOM)
-- Add liquidity (all tokens except ATOM)
-- Remove liquidity (all tokens except ATOM)
- ERC20 imports and exports are expected to be re-enabled soon
21 Sep 2022, 12:17
Chain Restart
The chain is set to go back online in approximately 1 1/2 hours. The Engineering team & the validators are following a phased restart approach.
First, the chain will be re-enabled, and then key DEX features will be re-enabled one by one. The aim of this approach is to bring the entire system back online in as safe a manner as possible.
Specific Information on the Phased Restart Approach:
When the chain goes back online, the ROWAN / ATOM pool will be closed, meaning that it will not be possible to perform any actions in the pool, including swapping, adding, or removing liquidity. This is due to this pool being the affected pool in the exploit. The pool will remain closed until we go through another upgrade to repair the state of the pool.
- Rewards and Liquidity Provider Distribution will be TEMPORARILY turned off. These features will be restarted as soon as it is safe to do so.
- DEX Liquidity protection will also be set to 0, meaning that no ROWAN can be sold on Sifchain.
- DEX Liquidity Protection will be updated & ROWAN sales will be re-enabled after the ATOM / ROWAN pool is back online, rewards are turned on, and Liquidity Provider Distribution is on.
The behavior that caused the exploit has been reviewed and is being corrected. After the chain is turned on, Engineering will continue to perform thorough testing on each DEX feature before re-launching. More updates will be communicated as they become available.
Chain Restart. Summary. The chain is set to go back online in approximately 1 1/2 hours.Chain Restart
The chain is set to go back online in approximately 1 1/2 hours. The Engineering team & the validators are following a phased restart approach.
First, the chain will be re-enabled, and then key DEX features will be re-enabled one by one. The aim of this approach is to bring the entire system back online in as safe a manner as possible.
Specific Information on the Phased Restart Approach:
When the chain goes back online, the ROWAN / ATOM pool will be closed, meaning that it will not be possible to perform any actions in the pool, including swapping, adding, or removing liquidity. This is due to this pool being the affected pool in the exploit. The pool will remain closed until we go through another upgrade to repair the state of the pool.
- Rewards and Liquidity Provider Distribution will be TEMPORARILY turned off. These features will be restarted as soon as it is safe to do so.
- DEX Liquidity protection will also be set to 0, meaning that no ROWAN can be sold on Sifchain.
- DEX Liquidity Protection will be updated & ROWAN sales will be re-enabled after the ATOM / ROWAN pool is back online, rewards are turned on, and Liquidity Provider Distribution is on.
The behavior that caused the exploit has been reviewed and is being corrected. After the chain is turned on, Engineering will continue to perform thorough testing on each DEX feature before re-launching. More updates will be communicated as they become available.
20 Sep 2022, 03:36
Chain & DEX Status
- The engineering team has identified a fix and a route forward to re-enabling the chain & the DEX. They are currently implementing this and testing it. We will keep everyone updated as things progress.
- Engineering is performing chain analysis on transactions and wallets related to the exploit.
- Thank you to the 9 of you who have come forward already and provided their information and are working with the team to return funds.
- Please reach out to @sif_moon (Sif Moon), @abratusz (Abra Tusz), or a Community Manager if you added liquidity and removed liquidity in the ATOM:ROWAN pool on September 19, 2022 between 5:30 AM - 2:30 PM UTC.
Communications Updates
The AMA with Leap Wallet has been postponed. The adjusted date will be announced soon.
Chain & DEX Status. - The engineering team has identified a fix and a route forward to re-enabling the chain & the DEX.Chain & DEX Status
- The engineering team has identified a fix and a route forward to re-enabling the chain & the DEX. They are currently implementing this and testing it. We will keep everyone updated as things progress.
- Engineering is performing chain analysis on transactions and wallets related to the exploit.
- Thank you to the 9 of you who have come forward already and provided their information and are working with the team to return funds.
- Please reach out to @sif_moon (Sif Moon), @abratusz (Abra Tusz), or a Community Manager if you added liquidity and removed liquidity in the ATOM:ROWAN pool on September 19, 2022 between 5:30 AM - 2:30 PM UTC.
Communications Updates
The AMA with Leap Wallet has been postponed. The adjusted date will be announced soon.
19 Sep 2022, 11:28
Hello all - The Sifchain DEX is temporarily paused for maintenance. Engineering is working hard to resolve the issue. More updates to follow.
Hello all - The Sifchain DEX is temporarily paused for maintenance. Engineering is working hard to resolve the issue.Hello all - The Sifchain DEX is temporarily paused for maintenance. Engineering is working hard to resolve the issue. More updates to follow.
19 Sep 2022, 09:04
Hello Sifchain community,
Please refrain from swapping on the DEX for the moment. There seems to be an issue with swapping that is unrelated to DEX liquidity protection.
We will make an announcement once its solved.
Thank you for your understanding.
Hello Sifchain community,. Please refrain from swapping on the DEX for the moment.Hello Sifchain community,
Please refrain from swapping on the DEX for the moment. There seems to be an issue with swapping that is unrelated to DEX liquidity protection.
We will make an announcement once its solved.
Thank you for your understanding.
18 Sep 2022, 06:49
Margin Trading Whitelist is Now Closed!
Due to overwhelming demand for spots, the Margin Trading v1.0: The Long Game whitelist is now closed! Thank you to everyone who signed up and shared.
Whitelisted users will be able to access the product *very soon*. Please watch Sifchain's Twitter/Discord/Telegram for the announcement.
Margin Trading Whitelist is Now Closed. Due to overwhelming demand for spots, the Margin Trading v1.Margin Trading Whitelist is Now Closed!
Due to overwhelming demand for spots, the Margin Trading v1.0: The Long Game whitelist is now closed! Thank you to everyone who signed up and shared.
Whitelisted users will be able to access the product *very soon*. Please watch Sifchain's Twitter/Discord/Telegram for the announcement.
17 Sep 2022, 06:32
💫Sif’s Day September 16 💫
- At this point in time, It'll be just a few more days until margin is fully enabled.
- Following tonights upgrade, we will need to package an on-chain parameter proposal to set a missing default parameter (done, see here: https://www.mintscan.io/sifchain/proposals/116), and raise a sifnode release to fix the upgrade handler (we will be working on this tomorrow and raising it for an on-chain proposal once done). Per standard governance, these on-chain proposals take a minimum of 48 hours to vote and then go-live.
- The current DEX is fully functional at this point (pooling and swapping and imports/exports and monetary policies all good).
- I'll keep you all posted with updates on all progress! And will keep our validators updated as the next software upgrade proposal is raised.
LPD & DEX Liquidity Protection FAQs
How do we know what the LPD and DEX liquidity protection settings are?
- All policies will be announced 6-24 hours in advance
- All policies will be posted here: https://docs.sifchain.finance/using-the-dex/margin-ui-step-by-step/monetary-policy-configurations
Communications Updates
- Join us next week on Monday for Sif Builders!
- Join us next week on Tuesday for AMA with Leap Wallet!
DAO Updates
The DAO Onboarding Circle at SifDAO is looking for more members. The goal of the Onboarding Circle is to help make SifDAO more welcoming and easy to get involved with.
- Sign up:
Sif's Day September 16. MARGIN TRADING UPDATES.💫Sif’s Day September 16 💫
- At this point in time, It'll be just a few more days until margin is fully enabled.
- Following tonights upgrade, we will need to package an on-chain parameter proposal to set a missing default parameter (done, see here: https://www.mintscan.io/sifchain/proposals/116), and raise a sifnode release to fix the upgrade handler (we will be working on this tomorrow and raising it for an on-chain proposal once done). Per standard governance, these on-chain proposals take a minimum of 48 hours to vote and then go-live.
- The current DEX is fully functional at this point (pooling and swapping and imports/exports and monetary policies all good).
- I'll keep you all posted with updates on all progress! And will keep our validators updated as the next software upgrade proposal is raised.
LPD & DEX Liquidity Protection FAQs
How do we know what the LPD and DEX liquidity protection settings are?
- All policies will be announced 6-24 hours in advance
- All policies will be posted here: https://docs.sifchain.finance/using-the-dex/margin-ui-step-by-step/monetary-policy-configurations
Communications Updates
- Join us next week on Monday for Sif Builders!
- Join us next week on Tuesday for AMA with Leap Wallet!
DAO Updates
The DAO Onboarding Circle at SifDAO is looking for more members. The goal of the Onboarding Circle is to help make SifDAO more welcoming and easy to get involved with.
- Sign up: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSezDMSXWr1k-BUyvfkIkZbs_Ut837e7QutKqFQevVINMOwKyQ/viewform
16 Sep 2022, 03:29
💫Sif’s Day September 15 💫
DEX Liquidity Protection and Liquidity Provider Distribution (LPD)
Wondering why there’s ROWAN showing up in your wallet? It’s because of LPD shifting ROWAN into your wallet!
Learn more:
- Liquidity Provider Distribution:
- DEX Liquidity Protection: https://www.notion.so/DEX-Liquidity-Protection-Functional-Doc-External-4525330ebfc34e029cb6e5f967704c77](https://www.notion.so/4525330ebfc34e029cb6e5f967704c77)
- See parameters: https://docs.sifchain.finance/using-the-dex/margin-ui-step-by-step/monetary-policy-configurations
Communications Updates
- DEVELOPER COMMUNITY Join the inaugural Sif Builders LIVE call with @luca for a live call on Monday, September 19 at 12 PM CEST. He’s going to reveal what’s under the hood for Sifchain’s upcoming DevTool update pack that will make it possible for a single engineer to harness the power of the entire Sif blockchain on their local machine. Add the event to your Discord calendar:
- Watch the recording of the Fireside Chat with Chief of Engineering Friedqi:
DAO Updates
The DAO Onboarding Circle at SifDAO is looking for more members. The goal of the Onboarding Circle is to help make SifDAO more welcoming and easy to get involved with.
- Sign up:
Governance Updates
Join the discussion period for the staking inflation proposal from @Avi | Kleomedes:
Sif's Day September 15. DEX Liquidity Protection and Liquidity Provider Distribution (LPD).💫Sif’s Day September 15 💫
DEX Liquidity Protection and Liquidity Provider Distribution (LPD)
Wondering why there’s ROWAN showing up in your wallet? It’s because of LPD shifting ROWAN into your wallet!
Learn more:
- Liquidity Provider Distribution: https://www.notion.so/Liquidity-Provider-Distribution-Functional-Doc-External-49aba98724f84321ae84f3078ad07e00
- DEX Liquidity Protection: https://www.notion.so/DEX-Liquidity-Protection-Functional-Doc-External-4525330ebfc34e029cb6e5f967704c77](https://www.notion.so/4525330ebfc34e029cb6e5f967704c77)
- See parameters: https://docs.sifchain.finance/using-the-dex/margin-ui-step-by-step/monetary-policy-configurations
Communications Updates
- DEVELOPER COMMUNITY Join the inaugural Sif Builders LIVE call with @luca for a live call on Monday, September 19 at 12 PM CEST. He’s going to reveal what’s under the hood for Sifchain’s upcoming DevTool update pack that will make it possible for a single engineer to harness the power of the entire Sif blockchain on their local machine. Add the event to your Discord calendar: https://discord.com/events/769209144515100693/1014517490946158623
- Watch the recording of the Fireside Chat with Chief of Engineering Friedqi: https://youtu.be/0R0xP8hR-pc
DAO Updates
The DAO Onboarding Circle at SifDAO is looking for more members. The goal of the Onboarding Circle is to help make SifDAO more welcoming and easy to get involved with.
- Sign up: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSezDMSXWr1k-BUyvfkIkZbs_Ut837e7QutKqFQevVINMOwKyQ/viewform
Governance Updates
Join the discussion period for the staking inflation proposal from @Avi | Kleomedes: https://discord.com/channels/769209144515100693/1019851792420450345
15 Sep 2022, 03:19
- DEX Liquidity protection at 2% has been enabled and turned on.
- Liquidity provider distribution will be enabled at block 8592200 (Sept 14th ~11pm PDT)
Update:. - DEX Liquidity protection at 2% has been enabled and turned on.Update:
- DEX Liquidity protection at 2% has been enabled and turned on.
- Liquidity provider distribution will be enabled at block 8592200 (Sept 14th ~11pm PDT)
15 Sep 2022, 01:26
💫Sif’s Day September 14 💫
Margin Trading v1.0: The Long Game
The software upgrade proposal which contains the Margin Trading v1.0: The Long Game behavior has been put on-chain!
Tentative timeline - times in Pacific Daylight Time
- Proposal Voting Period: 2022-09-14 13:34:43 - 2022-09-16 13:34:43
- Upgrade date/time: 2022-09-16 19:21:55.
- Front-end upgrade and data services updates: September 17 - 18
- Margin live for all whitelisted addresses (estimate): Sunday, September 18th or Monday, September 19.
This means that the Sifchain protocol will have the capacity to generate real revenues as soon as the upgrade is completed. Real revenues will be determined by margin trading volume, so get trading & encourage your friends to trade!
- Margin v1.0: The Long Game Docs: https://docs.sifchain.finance/using-the-dex/margin-ui-step-by-step/margin-trading-overview
- Real Revenue Cycle Breakdown:
- Margin v1.0: The Long Game Software Upgrade Proposal Details:
- Vote:
- Whitelist Signup:
DEX Upgrade Monetary Policies
The below DEX upgrade monetary policies will go into effect in ~6 hours:
- Liquidity provider distribution - 7.5%
- DEX liquidity protection - 2%
Governance Updates
Join the conversation about reducing staking inflation:
Sif's Day September 14. Margin Trading v1. 0: The Long Game. The software upgrade proposal which contains the Margin Trading v1.💫Sif’s Day September 14 💫
Margin Trading v1.0: The Long Game
The software upgrade proposal which contains the Margin Trading v1.0: The Long Game behavior has been put on-chain!
Tentative timeline - times in Pacific Daylight Time
- Proposal Voting Period: 2022-09-14 13:34:43 - 2022-09-16 13:34:43
- Upgrade date/time: 2022-09-16 19:21:55.
- Front-end upgrade and data services updates: September 17 - 18
- Margin live for all whitelisted addresses (estimate): Sunday, September 18th or Monday, September 19.
This means that the Sifchain protocol will have the capacity to generate real revenues as soon as the upgrade is completed. Real revenues will be determined by margin trading volume, so get trading & encourage your friends to trade!
- Margin v1.0: The Long Game Docs: https://docs.sifchain.finance/using-the-dex/margin-ui-step-by-step/margin-trading-overview
- Real Revenue Cycle Breakdown: https://medium.com/sifchain-finance/margin-trading-update-mps-live-sept-2022-555fe0f516fd
- Margin v1.0: The Long Game Software Upgrade Proposal Details: https://www.mintscan.io/sifchain/proposals/115
- Vote: https://wallet.keplr.app/chains/sifchain/proposals/115
- Whitelist Signup: https://forms.gle/98dcDheRQ1deDbb36
DEX Upgrade Monetary Policies
The below DEX upgrade monetary policies will go into effect in ~6 hours:
- Liquidity provider distribution - https://www.notion.so/49aba98724f84321ae84f3078ad07e00: 7.5%
- DEX liquidity protection - https://www.notion.so/4525330ebfc34e029cb6e5f967704c77: 2%
Governance Updates
Join the conversation about reducing staking inflation: https://commonwealth.im/sifchain/discussion/6917-sifdao-proposal-further-reduction-in-staking-inflation
12 Sep 2022, 05:39
🔥 NEW Medium Article: DeFi with Real Revenue + Margin Trading v1.0: The Long Game Updates. 🔥
The Sifchain Team wrote an article explaining how the Real Revenue system works + how it aims to benefit participants in the Sifchain ecosystem.
Plus, Margin v1.0: The Long Game updates & info:
- Whitelist signups ongoing 👉
- Non-inflationary vs. inflationary revenue
- DEX upgrades
Get the latest on Medium:
NEW Medium Article: DeFi with Real Revenue + Margin Trading v1. 0: The Long Game Updates.🔥 NEW Medium Article: DeFi with Real Revenue + Margin Trading v1.0: The Long Game Updates. 🔥
The Sifchain Team wrote an article explaining how the Real Revenue system works + how it aims to benefit participants in the Sifchain ecosystem.
Plus, Margin v1.0: The Long Game updates & info:
- Whitelist signups ongoing 👉 https://forms.gle/Gv8yNMkXZFmJmdsP8
- Non-inflationary vs. inflationary revenue
- DEX upgrades
Get the latest on Medium: https://medium.com/sifchain-finance/margin-trading-update-mps-live-sept-2022-555fe0f516fd
10 Sep 2022, 19:36
💫 Sif's Day September 9💫
Communications Updates
- Check out the recent SifDAO townhall:
- Helpful Tip: Discord Events contain a list of upcoming events in your time zone!
- Join us on Tuesday at 8 AM PST for an AMA with Leap Wallet.
- Join us on Friday at 5PM PST for a fireside chat with friedqi, Chief of Engineering.
Community Guidelines
Hey everyone, the team has released updated community management guidelines. These are intended to support the growth of our community while fostering an inclusive environment for new and existing members.
- The team prefers not to police conversations when they’re important and relevant to the project. It shows that the community cares.
- At the same time, if a community member is blatantly rude to people, including name-calling, discrimination, harassment, insulting others, or using excessive curse words, the team will moderate the conversation. Please don’t make us do that, everyone has a right to have their voice.
- A warning and/or a mute will happen before a ban.
Thanks again for all the time and work you put into making this project better. The community is such a big part of this project and we really hope you guys know how much your participation means to us.
Margin Trading v1.0 The Long Game Launch Reminder!
- TIMING: As of right now, testing results show that the team is on track for raising the proposal next week. Margin Trading v1.0: The Long Game will go live for the whitelisted addresses to use 48- 96h after the proposal is raised.
- Sign up to be a whitelisted address here:
- Check out the recent SifDAO townhall:
- Helpful Tip: Discord Events contain a list of upcoming events in your time zone!
- Join us on Tuesday at 8 AM PST for an AMA with Leap Wallet.
- Join us on Wednesday at 5PM PST for a fireside chat with friedqi, Chief of Engineering. It will be an excellent chance to hear the latest product-related updates.
Community Guidelines
Hey everyone, the team has released updated community management guidelines. These are intended to support the growth of our community while fostering an inclusive environment for new and existing members.
- The team prefers not to police conversations when they’re important and relevant to the project. It shows that the community cares.
- At the same time, if a community member is blatantly rude to people, including name-calling, discrimination, harassment, insulting others, or using excessive curse words, the team will moderate the conversation. Please don’t make us do that, everyone has a right to have their voice.
- A warning and/or a mute will happen before a ban.
Thanks again for all the time and work you put into making this project better. The community is such a big part of this project and we really hope you guys know how much your participation means to us.
Margin Trading v1.0 The Long Game Launch Reminder!
- TIMING: As of right now, testing results show that the team is on track for raising the proposal next week. Margin Trading v1.0: The Long Game will go live for the whitelisted addresses to use 48- 96h after the proposal is raised.
- Sign up to be a whitelisted address here:
Sif's Day September 9. Communications Updates. - Check out the recent SifDAO townhall:.💫 Sif's Day September 9💫
Communications Updates
- Check out the recent SifDAO townhall: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1d9trYAC10
- Helpful Tip: Discord Events contain a list of upcoming events in your time zone!
- Join us on Tuesday at 8 AM PST for an AMA with Leap Wallet.
- Join us on Friday at 5PM PST for a fireside chat with friedqi, Chief of Engineering.
Community Guidelines
Hey everyone, the team has released updated community management guidelines. These are intended to support the growth of our community while fostering an inclusive environment for new and existing members.
- The team prefers not to police conversations when they’re important and relevant to the project. It shows that the community cares.
- At the same time, if a community member is blatantly rude to people, including name-calling, discrimination, harassment, insulting others, or using excessive curse words, the team will moderate the conversation. Please don’t make us do that, everyone has a right to have their voice.
- A warning and/or a mute will happen before a ban.
Thanks again for all the time and work you put into making this project better. The community is such a big part of this project and we really hope you guys know how much your participation means to us.
Margin Trading v1.0 The Long Game Launch Reminder!
- TIMING: As of right now, testing results show that the team is on track for raising the proposal next week. Margin Trading v1.0: The Long Game will go live for the whitelisted addresses to use 48- 96h after the proposal is raised.
- Sign up to be a whitelisted address here: https://forms.gle/98dcDheRQ1deDbb36
- Check out the recent SifDAO townhall: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j1d9trYAC10
- Helpful Tip: Discord Events contain a list of upcoming events in your time zone!
- Join us on Tuesday at 8 AM PST for an AMA with Leap Wallet.
- Join us on Wednesday at 5PM PST for a fireside chat with friedqi, Chief of Engineering. It will be an excellent chance to hear the latest product-related updates.
Community Guidelines
Hey everyone, the team has released updated community management guidelines. These are intended to support the growth of our community while fostering an inclusive environment for new and existing members.
- The team prefers not to police conversations when they’re important and relevant to the project. It shows that the community cares.
- At the same time, if a community member is blatantly rude to people, including name-calling, discrimination, harassment, insulting others, or using excessive curse words, the team will moderate the conversation. Please don’t make us do that, everyone has a right to have their voice.
- A warning and/or a mute will happen before a ban.
Thanks again for all the time and work you put into making this project better. The community is such a big part of this project and we really hope you guys know how much your participation means to us.
Margin Trading v1.0 The Long Game Launch Reminder!
- TIMING: As of right now, testing results show that the team is on track for raising the proposal next week. Margin Trading v1.0: The Long Game will go live for the whitelisted addresses to use 48- 96h after the proposal is raised.
- Sign up to be a whitelisted address here: https://forms.gle/98dcDheRQ1deDbb36
09 Sep 2022, 06:38
💫 Sif’s Day September 8 💫
Margin Trading v1.0 The Long Game Launch Update!
— Engineering is working 24/7 on final regression testing of The Long Game & its interactions with the DEX's existing code. This helps ensure the rest of the DEX works as intended when the The Long Game is released.
— The front-end engineering team is making final updates and tweaks to the UI & UX of the Margin Trading platform based on testing and user feedback.
— In order to stay on time to launch with a stable & smooth product, the first iteration will offer 5x leverage. 10x is a priority to be released after more testing can be done.
— TIMING: As of right now, testing results show that the team is on track for raising the proposal next week. Margin Trading v1.0: The Long Game will go live for the whitelisted addresses to use 48- 96h after the proposal is raised.
— Sign up to be a whitelisted address here:
— We will keep the community up to date as testing progresses. Also, for our validators out there, you can start to look over the software release as of right now to get a head start. Stay tuned 💥
Communications Updates
— Stay tuned to this channel for a message from our Discord Community Lead about creating a safe & inclusive community with clear moderating processes.
— SifDAO Town Hall is on Friday, September 9 at 12PM PST.
— Fireside Chat with Sifchain Chief of Engineering Friedqi is on Wednesday, September 14 at 5 PM PST
Sif's Day September 8. Margin Trading v1. 0 The Long Game Launch Update.💫 Sif’s Day September 8 💫
Margin Trading v1.0 The Long Game Launch Update!
— Engineering is working 24/7 on final regression testing of The Long Game & its interactions with the DEX's existing code. This helps ensure the rest of the DEX works as intended when the The Long Game is released.
— The front-end engineering team is making final updates and tweaks to the UI & UX of the Margin Trading platform based on testing and user feedback.
— In order to stay on time to launch with a stable & smooth product, the first iteration will offer 5x leverage. 10x is a priority to be released after more testing can be done.
— TIMING: As of right now, testing results show that the team is on track for raising the proposal next week. Margin Trading v1.0: The Long Game will go live for the whitelisted addresses to use 48- 96h after the proposal is raised.
— Sign up to be a whitelisted address here: https://forms.gle/98dcDheRQ1deDbb36
— We will keep the community up to date as testing progresses. Also, for our validators out there, you can start to look over the software release as of right now to get a head start. Stay tuned 💥
Communications Updates
— Stay tuned to this channel for a message from our Discord Community Lead about creating a safe & inclusive community with clear moderating processes.
— SifDAO Town Hall is on Friday, September 9 at 12PM PST.
— Fireside Chat with Sifchain Chief of Engineering Friedqi is on Wednesday, September 14 at 5 PM PST
08 Sep 2022, 02:44
💫 Sif's Day September 7💫
Margin Trading
SIGN UP for the Margin Trading Early Access Whitelist! Over 80% of spots are already gone :flame4: The whitelist is open for nine more days. Send to your friends & get them involved. Register:
DAO Updates
Sign up for the Sifchain Social Media Team! Sifchain’s small and mighty communications team needs the DAO to help tell the story of Sifchain and to help grow Sifchain's community. Whether it’s on Twitter, Reddit, Discord, or Telegram, the Sifchain Social Team will be vital in showcasing the brilliant tech, breakthrough DAO decisions, and creative world of Sifchain, in their own voices to the greater DeFi world.
-- Read about the team:
-- Sign up:
Communications Updates
The SifDAO townhall will be split into two separate events due to the team’s overwhelming focus on the launch of margin trading in a timely manner. We are working around the clock. This week’s event will be DAO-centric, and next week’s event will zoom in with @friedqi , the Chief of Engineering, to hear about the launch of margin trading. Events:
-- SifDAO Town Hall - Showcasing DAO updates on Friday, September 9 at 12 PM PST
-- Fireside Chat with Chief of Engineering @friedqi on Wednesday, September 14 at 5 PM PST
Sif's Day September 7. Margin Trading. SIGN UP for the Margin Trading Early Access Whitelist.💫 Sif's Day September 7💫
Margin Trading
SIGN UP for the Margin Trading Early Access Whitelist! Over 80% of spots are already gone :flame4: The whitelist is open for nine more days. Send to your friends & get them involved. Register: https://forms.gle/98dcDheRQ1deDbb36
DAO Updates
Sign up for the Sifchain Social Media Team! Sifchain’s small and mighty communications team needs the DAO to help tell the story of Sifchain and to help grow Sifchain's community. Whether it’s on Twitter, Reddit, Discord, or Telegram, the Sifchain Social Team will be vital in showcasing the brilliant tech, breakthrough DAO decisions, and creative world of Sifchain, in their own voices to the greater DeFi world.
-- Read about the team: https://www.notion.so/Sifchain-Social-Media-Team-5c71270d12ca414fb0ee6bc08a5f9359
-- Sign up: https://forms.gle/2dqPAXFLCH2WkHb2A
Communications Updates
The SifDAO townhall will be split into two separate events due to the team’s overwhelming focus on the launch of margin trading in a timely manner. We are working around the clock. This week’s event will be DAO-centric, and next week’s event will zoom in with @friedqi , the Chief of Engineering, to hear about the launch of margin trading. Events:
-- SifDAO Town Hall - Showcasing DAO updates on Friday, September 9 at 12 PM PST
-- Fireside Chat with Chief of Engineering @friedqi on Wednesday, September 14 at 5 PM PST
07 Sep 2022, 07:10
💫Sif's Day September 5💫
Margin Trading Updates
- SIGN UP for the Margin Trading Early Access Whitelist! Signups open for ten more days. Send to your friends & get them involved, too. Register:
- Epic Sif Margin AI art on this post by @Julius | Decali.io
Communications Updates
Join us on September 9th, at 12PM PST for the SifDAO townhall. We will have a special focus on the upcoming margin trading feature, and the director of engineering, @friedqi will be stopping by to answer questions.
Governance Updates
- The DEX Liquidity Protection and LPD proposal has passed. This means that DEX Liquidity Protection and LPD will be activated, when the software upgrade proposal that contains margin trading behavior is raised. There will be more info shared when it is available.
- Staking inflation has decreased to 38.5% (https://www.mintscan.io/sifchain/proposals/112) in accordance with Proposal 104 (https://www.mintscan.io/sifchain/proposals/104). It will drop by another 6% in 2 months.
Sif's Day September 5. Margin Trading Updates. - SIGN UP for the Margin Trading Early Access Whitelist.💫Sif's Day September 5💫
Margin Trading Updates
- SIGN UP for the Margin Trading Early Access Whitelist! Signups open for ten more days. Send to your friends & get them involved, too. Register: https://forms.gle/98dcDheRQ1deDbb36
- Epic Sif Margin AI art on this post by @Julius | Decali.io
Communications Updates
Join us on September 9th, at 12PM PST for the SifDAO townhall. We will have a special focus on the upcoming margin trading feature, and the director of engineering, @friedqi will be stopping by to answer questions.
Governance Updates
- The DEX Liquidity Protection and LPD proposal has passed. This means that DEX Liquidity Protection and LPD will be activated, when the software upgrade proposal that contains margin trading behavior is raised. There will be more info shared when it is available.
- Staking inflation has decreased to 38.5% (https://www.mintscan.io/sifchain/proposals/112) in accordance with Proposal 104 (https://www.mintscan.io/sifchain/proposals/104). It will drop by another 6% in 2 months.
06 Sep 2022, 03:51
💫 **Sif's Day September 2**💫
**Margin Trading Updates**
- Sign-up for the whitelist here!
- As a reminder, this will give you early access to the Margin Trading platform in the **production** environment, BetaNet.
- Applications for the whitelist will be open until September 16th. Engineering is aiming to launch Margin Trading behavior before that date.
- Please make sure you include your **Sifchain wallet address** in the application as this is what is needed to actually whitelist you and give you access to the the platform.
**Governance Updates**
Two proposals are in voting period now:
- Proposal 112: Proposal 110 was raised with the intent to reduce the staking inflation of Sifchain to 38%, however due to only having an inflation rate change of .1 per year, Sifchain still has a staking inflation rate of 42%, in accordance with the max inflation outline in Proposal 110. SifDAO would like more granular control over the inflation rate, and seeks to set it to 38% by creating a narrower range for InflationMax, and InflationMin.
- Proposal 113: This proposal seeks to understand SifDAO’s stance about DEX liquidity protection and Liquidity Provider Distribution (LPD) under the conditions outlined in the full proposal.
**Communications Updates**
Join us next week on September 9th for the SifDAO Roundtable. We will have a special focus on margin trading.
**Sif's Day September 2**. **Margin Trading Updates**. - Sign-up for the whitelist here.💫 **Sif's Day September 2**💫
**Margin Trading Updates**
- Sign-up for the whitelist here! https://forms.gle/98dcDheRQ1deDbb36
- As a reminder, this will give you early access to the Margin Trading platform in the **production** environment, BetaNet.
- Applications for the whitelist will be open until September 16th. Engineering is aiming to launch Margin Trading behavior before that date.
- Please make sure you include your **Sifchain wallet address** in the application as this is what is needed to actually whitelist you and give you access to the the platform.
**Governance Updates**
Two proposals are in voting period now:
- Proposal 112: https://www.mintscan.io/sifchain/proposals/112: Proposal 110 was raised with the intent to reduce the staking inflation of Sifchain to 38%, however due to only having an inflation rate change of .1 per year, Sifchain still has a staking inflation rate of 42%, in accordance with the max inflation outline in Proposal 110. SifDAO would like more granular control over the inflation rate, and seeks to set it to 38% by creating a narrower range for InflationMax, and InflationMin.
- Proposal 113: https://www.mintscan.io/sifchain/proposals/113: This proposal seeks to understand SifDAO’s stance about DEX liquidity protection and Liquidity Provider Distribution (LPD) under the conditions outlined in the full proposal.
**Communications Updates**
Join us next week on September 9th for the SifDAO Roundtable. We will have a special focus on margin trading.
02 Sep 2022, 01:15
💫 Sif's Day September 1 💫
**Margin Whitelist**
Sifchain margin trading whitelist sign-ups are now open! Sign-up here to be a part of the first deployment of Margin Trading v1.0 The Long Game:
As a reminder, this will give you early access to the Margin Trading platform in the **production** environment, BetaNet.
Applications for the whitelist will be open until September 16th. Engineering is aiming to launch Margin Trading behavior before that date.
Please make sure you include your Sifchain wallet address in the application as this is what is needed to actually whitelist you and give you access to the the platform.
**Governance Updates**
Join the discussion about the DEX Liquidity Protection and Liquidity Provider distribution proposals, set to be activated alongside the launch of margin trading:
Another proposal will be raised to further adjust the max inflation rate downward, and thereby decrease Sifchain staking inflation in line with Proposal 104.
Sif's Day September 1. **Margin Whitelist**. Sifchain margin trading whitelist sign-ups are now open.💫 Sif's Day September 1 💫
**Margin Whitelist**
Sifchain margin trading whitelist sign-ups are now open! Sign-up here to be a part of the first deployment of Margin Trading v1.0 The Long Game: https://forms.gle/98dcDheRQ1deDbb36
As a reminder, this will give you early access to the Margin Trading platform in the **production** environment, BetaNet.
Applications for the whitelist will be open until September 16th. Engineering is aiming to launch Margin Trading behavior before that date.
Please make sure you include your Sifchain wallet address in the application as this is what is needed to actually whitelist you and give you access to the the platform.
**Governance Updates**
Join the discussion about the DEX Liquidity Protection and Liquidity Provider distribution proposals, set to be activated alongside the launch of margin trading: https://discord.com/channels/769209144515100693/1003743749412765706/1014293028665565196
Another proposal will be raised to further adjust the max inflation rate downward, and thereby decrease Sifchain staking inflation in line with Proposal 104.
31 Aug 2022, 02:51
💫 Sif’s Day Aug 30 💫
**Communications Updates**
A NEW Medium article is released with the latest updates on development, including margin trading and Peggy 2:
**DEX Updates**
The swap fee has officially been changed from a slip-based fee to a flat 0.3% fee in preparation for the launch of margin and re-enabling asymmetric liquidity adds.
**Governance Updates**
- Proposal #110: is on-chain now. If it passes, ROWAN staking inflation for ROWAN delegated to validators will be reduced in accordance with Proposal #104:
- Join the discussion about the DEX Liquidity Protection and Liquidity Provider distribution proposals, set to be activated alongside the launch of margin trading:
Sif's Day Aug 30. **Communications Updates**.💫 Sif’s Day Aug 30 💫
**Communications Updates**
A NEW Medium article is released with the latest updates on development, including margin trading and Peggy 2: https://medium.com/sifchain-finance/sifchain-update-end-of-august-2022-2486d7f5c5eb
**DEX Updates**
The swap fee has officially been changed from a slip-based fee to a flat 0.3% fee in preparation for the launch of margin and re-enabling asymmetric liquidity adds.
**Governance Updates**
- Proposal #110: https://www.mintscan.io/sifchain/proposals/110 is on-chain now. If it passes, ROWAN staking inflation for ROWAN delegated to validators will be reduced in accordance with Proposal #104: https://www.mintscan.io/sifchain/proposals/104.
- Join the discussion about the DEX Liquidity Protection and Liquidity Provider distribution proposals, set to be activated alongside the launch of margin trading: https://discord.com/channels/769209144515100693/1003743749412765706/1014293028665565196
30 Aug 2022, 02:47
💫 Sif’s Day Aug 29 💫
**Margin Trading**
A live demo of the margin trading platform happened in Discord today. Check it out:
**DEX Updates**
Proposal 108: has passed. Swaps on Sifchain will incur a flat-fee instead of a slip-based fee. Flat fees will help support larger trades on the DEX in smaller pools, including swaps to open and close margin positions.
**Did you know…**
Security and code safety are a high priority for Sifchain. The team has published 12 post-remediation audit reports from highly esteemed firms such as Certik and Halborne, and adds new post-remediation reports all the time. Read the reports in the docs: https://docs.sifchain.finance/network-security/audits-and-security-measures
Sif's Day Aug 29. **Margin Trading**. A live demo of the margin trading platform happened in Discord today. Check it out:.💫 Sif’s Day Aug 29 💫
**Margin Trading**
A live demo of the margin trading platform happened in Discord today. Check it out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=80pr1qH8T6E
**DEX Updates**
Proposal 108: https://www.mintscan.io/sifchain/proposals/108 has passed. Swaps on Sifchain will incur a flat-fee instead of a slip-based fee. Flat fees will help support larger trades on the DEX in smaller pools, including swaps to open and close margin positions.
**Did you know…**
Security and code safety are a high priority for Sifchain. The team has published 12 post-remediation audit reports from highly esteemed firms such as Certik and Halborne, and adds new post-remediation reports all the time. Read the reports in the docs: https://docs.sifchain.finance/network-security/audits-and-security-measures
29 Aug 2022, 17:45
Hey everyone,
Join us for a live demo of Margin Trading today at 1pm PST today! This will be in a dedicated Discord voice room
See you all then!
Hey everyone,. Join us for a live demo of Margin Trading today at 1pm PST today.Hey everyone,
Join us for a live demo of Margin Trading today at 1pm PST today! This will be in a dedicated Discord voice room https://discord.gg/sifchain.
See you all then!
27 Aug 2022, 01:05
Dear Sifchain Community,
Recent market maker activities and corresponding communications have caused concern. This memo should provide further clarification and restore trust within the community.
Sifcore is working diligently on the Margin MVP and Peggy 2.0. We are also excited about current progress and are looking forward to deployment. Once both projects are deployed, Sifchain will have features that provide unique value across the industry.
Sifcore’s treasury funds business expenses like salaries, legal/accounting, and general business overhead. The focus of the treasury is to support the project and ensure we have sufficient assets to provide a runway and survive market cycles. The recent bear market devalued those assets and their income potential. Despite this downturn, Sifcore has not cut significant staff, or scope, and is working hard to deliver a world class product. Moreover, unlike many DeFi projects and even centralized exchanges, Sifchain has maintained its full feature development scope.
Sifchain’s market maker indirectly supports Sifcore’s treasury and its recent Rowan trading may have had adverse market effects. In normal market conditions, their behavior has had little to no effect on Rowan but in current market conditions it may have been more outsized. We regret not alerting the community about this sooner and apologize to the community for not sharing this information earlier. They’ve stopped inducing major downside pressure on Rowan and in the future they will be more careful to not obstruct Rowan’s growth as they manage their normal business operations, which in turn funds Sifchain’s continued development.
As we move forward, please know that major Sifchain contributors have been working extremely hard and have a positive outlook. We are grateful for your support and hope to move forward with solidarity.
Dear Sifchain Community,. Recent market maker activities and corresponding communications have caused concern.Dear Sifchain Community,
Recent market maker activities and corresponding communications have caused concern. This memo should provide further clarification and restore trust within the community.
Sifcore is working diligently on the Margin MVP and Peggy 2.0. We are also excited about current progress and are looking forward to deployment. Once both projects are deployed, Sifchain will have features that provide unique value across the industry.
Sifcore’s treasury funds business expenses like salaries, legal/accounting, and general business overhead. The focus of the treasury is to support the project and ensure we have sufficient assets to provide a runway and survive market cycles. The recent bear market devalued those assets and their income potential. Despite this downturn, Sifcore has not cut significant staff, or scope, and is working hard to deliver a world class product. Moreover, unlike many DeFi projects and even centralized exchanges, Sifchain has maintained its full feature development scope.
Sifchain’s market maker indirectly supports Sifcore’s treasury and its recent Rowan trading may have had adverse market effects. In normal market conditions, their behavior has had little to no effect on Rowan but in current market conditions it may have been more outsized. We regret not alerting the community about this sooner and apologize to the community for not sharing this information earlier. They’ve stopped inducing major downside pressure on Rowan and in the future they will be more careful to not obstruct Rowan’s growth as they manage their normal business operations, which in turn funds Sifchain’s continued development.
As we move forward, please know that major Sifchain contributors have been working extremely hard and have a positive outlook. We are grateful for your support and hope to move forward with solidarity.
26 Aug 2022, 21:34
💫 Sif’s Day Aug 26 💫
Software updates:
- Because of our recent chain-upgrade, re-stake is now live! Visit to auto-compound your ROWAN!
Margin Updates
- Join us for a live margin-trading demo on Monday at 1pm PST! We will hold this on Discord!
- There is a scam proposal on-chain. Remember to never share your seed phrase!
- Make sure to spread the love on Sifchain's posts!
Sif's Day Aug 26. Software updates:. - Because of our recent chain-upgrade, re-stake is now live.💫 Sif’s Day Aug 26 💫
Software updates:
- Because of our recent chain-upgrade, re-stake is now live! Visit https://restake.app/sifchain to auto-compound your ROWAN!
Margin Updates
- Join us for a live margin-trading demo on Monday at 1pm PST! We will hold this on Discord!
- There is a scam proposal on-chain. Remember to never share your seed phrase! https://wallet.keplr.app/chains/sifchain/proposals/106
- Make sure to spread the love on Sifchain's posts!
- https://twitter.com/sifchain/status/1563032696296615937
- https://twitter.com/sifchain/status/1563134916472209408
- https://twitter.com/sifchain/status/1563153035190099968
- https://twitter.com/sifchain/status/1563230690019123202
26 Aug 2022, 02:46
✨Sif’s Day Aug 25 ✨
Communications Updates
Watch the replay of the Marketing Fireside Chat:
Chain Updates
- Proposal 0.16 has passed, which means re-stake is coming to Sifchain after the upgrade on Friday, August 26th.
- Sifchain will be moving to a flat swap fee instead of a slip-based fee. There are two reasons for this change:
1. By using leverage, margin traders will be able to take out large positions that will likely cause more than 1% slippage. Having a slip-based fee would have meant that this trade will quickly erode their collateral. Moving to a flat-fee will solve this problem.
2. In order to re-enable asymmetric liquidity adds, the DEX needs to move to a flat swap fee.
Sif's Day Aug 25. Communications Updates. Watch the replay of the Marketing Fireside Chat:. Chain Updates. - Proposal 0.✨Sif’s Day Aug 25 ✨
Communications Updates
Watch the replay of the Marketing Fireside Chat: https://youtu.be/xLI_du0JDm4
Chain Updates
- Proposal 0.16 has passed, which means re-stake is coming to Sifchain after the upgrade on Friday, August 26th.
- Sifchain will be moving to a flat swap fee instead of a slip-based fee. There are two reasons for this change:
1. By using leverage, margin traders will be able to take out large positions that will likely cause more than 1% slippage. Having a slip-based fee would have meant that this trade will quickly erode their collateral. Moving to a flat-fee will solve this problem.
2. In order to re-enable asymmetric liquidity adds, the DEX needs to move to a flat swap fee.
23 Aug 2022, 03:32
💫 Sif’s Day Aug 22 💫
Communications Updates
- A Sifchain newsletter went out last Friday, August 20, with Sifchain project updates from July & August, and hidden claim codes for community-made Sifchain Summer 2022 NFTs! NFTs can be claimed on stashh.io. Claim codes can only be used once, meaning if the claim code you found does not work, try another!
Sign up for future newsletters under "Learn About Us" at https://sifchain.network/.
- Join a Marketing Fireside Chat with the new Sifchain Head of Marketing, Zadkiel, and DAO Growth Lead Abra on Thursday, August 25, at 10 AM CEST.
Submit questions in advance:
DAO Updates
- Want to expand the token listing council? Read the proposal and start the conversation here:
- The Validator Delegation Council has announced the results of the second validator delegation program. See the results:
Software Upgrades
Sifchain will soon upgrade to Cosmos 0.45.6, which will enable AuthZ!
Sif's Day Aug 22. Communications Updates.💫 Sif’s Day Aug 22 💫
Communications Updates
- A Sifchain newsletter went out last Friday, August 20, with Sifchain project updates from July & August, and hidden claim codes for community-made Sifchain Summer 2022 NFTs! NFTs can be claimed on stashh.io. Claim codes can only be used once, meaning if the claim code you found does not work, try another!
Sign up for future newsletters under "Learn About Us" at https://sifchain.network/.
- Join a Marketing Fireside Chat with the new Sifchain Head of Marketing, Zadkiel, and DAO Growth Lead Abra on Thursday, August 25, at 10 AM CEST.
Submit questions in advance: https://pollev.com/sifdao
DAO Updates
- Want to expand the token listing council? Read the proposal and start the conversation here: https://discord.com/channels/769209144515100693/1010482977958015026
- The Validator Delegation Council has announced the results of the second validator delegation program. See the results: https://www.notion.so/sifchain/Sifchain-s-Validator-Delegation-Program-Phase-2-Award-Announcement-95e4fb36fbd740418c1a3f26946f40e7
Software Upgrades
Sifchain will soon upgrade to Cosmos 0.45.6, which will enable AuthZ!
21 Aug 2022, 17:18
Sifchain’s Validator Delegation Program Phase 2 Award Announcement
Dear Sifchain Community:
We are officially announcing Sifchain’s Validator Delegation Phase 2 Awards. Thank you to all validators who applied for a delegation. We continue to build upon the previous phase to improve the delegation process experience for the applicants, the Validator Delegation council, and the core team, and we look forward to collecting your feedback to incorporate in future phases.
Full Document
- Validator Delegation Council
Sifchain's Validator Delegation Program Phase 2 Award Announcement. Dear Sifchain Community:.Sifchain’s Validator Delegation Program Phase 2 Award Announcement
Dear Sifchain Community:
We are officially announcing Sifchain’s Validator Delegation Phase 2 Awards. Thank you to all validators who applied for a delegation. We continue to build upon the previous phase to improve the delegation process experience for the applicants, the Validator Delegation council, and the core team, and we look forward to collecting your feedback to incorporate in future phases.
Full Document
- Validator Delegation Council
21 Aug 2022, 03:29
💫 Sif's Day Aug 20💫
DEX Updates
Have you seen the latest margin demo and docs?! Check it out and please let us know any questions or feedback.
- Video: https://youtu.be/lDHoDvIIECc](https://youtu.be/lDHoDvIIECc
- Information:
DAO Updates
The proposal to reduce staking inflation has passed: and a follow-up proposal will be raised in the beginning of September.
Sif's Day Aug 20. DEX Updates. Have you seen the latest margin demo and docs.💫 Sif's Day Aug 20💫
DEX Updates
Have you seen the latest margin demo and docs?! Check it out and please let us know any questions or feedback.
- Video: https://youtu.be/lDHoDvIIECc](https://youtu.be/lDHoDvIIECc
- Information: https://sifchain.notion.site/Margin-Trading-v1-0-The-Long-Game-63fe6f60e8094a458047595e4ce18eb9
DAO Updates
The proposal to reduce staking inflation has passed: http://mintscan.io/sifchain/proposals/104 and a follow-up proposal will be raised in the beginning of September.
19 Aug 2022, 19:40
Margin Trading v1.0: The Long Game Testnet App Demo
Hi Sifchain Community
The product demo for the Testnet beta app for Margin Trading v1.0: The Long Game is LIVE on YouTube!
- Watch the demo to see the UI, get answers to common questions & learn what’s next for the product:
- Read the Margin v1.0 explainer doc for more details:
Margin Trading v1. 0: The Long Game Testnet App Demo. Hi Sifchain Community.Margin Trading v1.0: The Long Game Testnet App Demo
Hi Sifchain Community
The product demo for the Testnet beta app for Margin Trading v1.0: The Long Game is LIVE on YouTube!
- Watch the demo to see the UI, get answers to common questions & learn what’s next for the product: https://youtu.be/lDHoDvIIECc
- Read the Margin v1.0 explainer doc for more details: https://sifchain.notion.site/Margin-Trading-v1-0-The-Long-Game-63fe6f60e8094a458047595e4ce18eb9
19 Aug 2022, 03:14
💫Sif's Day Aug 18 ✨
DAO Updates
After a passionate conversation, the DAO has drafted a process for validator delegations from the community pool, join the discussion:
DEX Updates
At the token listing council’s request, the reference pair has been shifted from USDT to USDC.
The purpose of this move is to improve the trading experience for arbitrageurs and traders on the DEX, because bots and arbitrageurs often trade against the “reference pair”, making the associated stablecoin more likely to maintain or return to its peg. Because USDC has more pool depth than USDT, changing the reference pair gives arbitrageurs of other assets more liquidity to swap against, and USDC will have a higher probability of maintaining peg after swaps are made.
Sif's Day Aug 18. DAO Updates.💫Sif's Day Aug 18 ✨
DAO Updates
After a passionate conversation, the DAO has drafted a process for validator delegations from the community pool, join the discussion: https://discord.com/channels/769209144515100693/1006992631483600986/1009870109310992466
DEX Updates
At the token listing council’s request, the reference pair has been shifted from USDT to USDC.
The purpose of this move is to improve the trading experience for arbitrageurs and traders on the DEX, because bots and arbitrageurs often trade against the “reference pair”, making the associated stablecoin more likely to maintain or return to its peg. Because USDC has more pool depth than USDT, changing the reference pair gives arbitrageurs of other assets more liquidity to swap against, and USDC will have a higher probability of maintaining peg after swaps are made.
18 Aug 2022, 04:03
💫Sif's Day Aug 16 💫
DEX Updates: Margin MVP Testnet Screenshot
Did you see the new Sifchain margin screenshot? Head over to 🟧│dao-chat to have a look! A live demo and full explainer coming very soon!
Communications Updates
Watch the replay of today’s State of Sifchain address with Core Contributor Jazear Brooks for the latest Sifchain news:
DAO & Governance Updates
— Vote on the proposal to reduce staking inflation:
— Get involved with SifDAO! Join the SifDAO Roundtable tomorrow in the Discord at 10AM EST to collaborate on driving Sifchain and SifDAO forward.
Marketing Updates
Sif Moon had a fantastic conversation with Cosmos project e-Money on Twitter Spaces today:
Sifchain in the News: Coingape Feature: From Bitcoin to Sifchain - The Evolution of Blockchain
Coingape used Sifchain as an example of a forward-thinking L1 blockchain in an article feature on blockchain evolution. Read now:
Sif's Day Aug 16. DEX Updates: Margin MVP Testnet Screenshot. Did you see the new Sifchain margin screenshot.💫Sif's Day Aug 16 💫
DEX Updates: Margin MVP Testnet Screenshot
Did you see the new Sifchain margin screenshot? Head over to http://discord.gg/sifchain 🟧│dao-chat to have a look! A live demo and full explainer coming very soon!
Communications Updates
Watch the replay of today’s State of Sifchain address with Core Contributor Jazear Brooks for the latest Sifchain news:
DAO & Governance Updates
— Vote on the proposal to reduce staking inflation: https://www.mintscan.io/sifchain/proposals/104
— Get involved with SifDAO! Join the SifDAO Roundtable tomorrow in the Discord at 10AM EST to collaborate on driving Sifchain and SifDAO forward.
Marketing Updates
Sif Moon had a fantastic conversation with Cosmos project e-Money on Twitter Spaces today: https://twitter.com/emoney_com/status/1559940431483371525?s=20&t=xFGvdO3uWYC39CJXB8GXJw
Sifchain in the News: Coingape Feature: From Bitcoin to Sifchain - The Evolution of Blockchain
Coingape used Sifchain as an example of a forward-thinking L1 blockchain in an article feature on blockchain evolution. Read now: https://coingape.com/blog/from-bitcoin-to-sifchain-the-evolution-of-blockchain/